IET EngX is peer powered!

Your experience matters. IET EngX was built to connect engineers and technicians across the globe for support and collaboration, and we can't wait for you to get involved.

Share your knowledge

Seen something that's piqued your interest? The discussion forums are a great place to chat all things technical with your peers. When creating your post, mark it as a discussion and add a relevant tag to make sure it reaches people following the topic.

Share your musings, observations, or professional stories in a blog post. IET volunteers automatically have blogging access, but anyone with a good story to tell is welcome to blog. Just contact the admins (Lisa, Liz or Evanna) to request blogging access. 

Can you answer any of the questions below? Log in or create an account to get started. It's a simpler and more helpful way to network, learn and collaborate with your profession.

Answer questions - any post with a grey question mark beside it doesn't have a helpful answer attributed to it yet, can you provide one? Select your specialism when setting up your profile and we'll make it easy for you to see open questions from fellow engineers that match your area of expertise. 

You could even join our focus group and help make IET EngX the best it can be! 

Looking for advice? 

Why not ask a question in one of the discussion forums and get answers from your peers? Make sure to mark helpful answers to support others with the same question and thank the people who helped you. 

You can also browse the Meet and Connect area to find longer-term support. Use the filters to identify people with the interests or specialisms you're looking for. You can also filter for folks interested in collaboration or offering expertise in their specialism. Don't forget to add yourself to the mix - mark that you're happy to appear in the people search when completing your profile.

Get started

Can you help answer any of the questions below? Log in or create an account to get started. It's a simpler and more helpful way to network, learn and collaborate with your profession.