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I have drilled a hole.........

Well, I did not drill it, but about 50 years ago a colleague produced this question from his book:

"A cylindrical hole six inches long has been drilled straight through the centre of a solid sphere. What is the volume remaining in the sphere?"


  • Simon Barker:

    I'm not sure what it means for a hole to have domed ends.  What's the shape of something that isn't there?

    What a fascinating question and solution!

    My mistake was to think of the core which has been removed, but evidently, the drill would have to have a cutting capacity longer than 6".

    Concerning Mike's point about Oxford and Cambridge entry, I think that they barely relied at all on A-levels in my day. After all, with 4th term entry, A-levels were two terms away.

  • There’s a Saturday night challenge, work out the area of a circle by using a quarter of the circumference squared rather than by A = π r² and compare the results.

    Circumference =2 π r

    Quarter Circumference =π r/2

    square of Quarter circumference = r² π²  /4 =r² * 2,468  approx

    Area of circle total =  π r² =r² * 3,14  approx   

    Suggests you lose about a quarter of the volume  in the process of  making it into rectangular planks. which feels quite good to me,

  • But remember any "waste" can be sold as firewood, so is not really waste.