Engineering high hopes for the future
A love of electricals and a passion for practical work drew her into becoming an apprentice engineer. Now, during the third year of that apprenticeship, she’s already looking to add to her knowledge and experience, with plans for her future. Meet Erin Lowe , an IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year Finalist. Who I am My name is Erin Lowe, and I work at Yamazaki Mazak UK Limited as a level three electrical apprentice. What inspired you to get into engineering? When I was younger, I always liked putting together the electrical kits you could buy off Amazon. I got a soldering iron for Christmas, and I was into woodwork, so I went to a free group at B&Q, where we made planters and everything. Whilst I enjoyed Design Technology (DT) at college, it wasn't electrical. In Year 10, I had the…