Solar Energy Systems installation UK - lack of skills

As I researched Solar Energy systems for over a year now I discovered how little I understood the dangerous realities of Solar installations even though powered at ELV level <50Vdc.  The difference being that you are dealing with a constant current of 50 - 100's A dc.  Average Joe, maybe used to Auto/Truck 12/24Vdc  systems probably sees the system as safe - you dont get a shock (boat owners will disagree).  So the hazards of installing a dc distribution system  within a domestic house and the potential to cause disastrous fires are totally underestimated.  Even the average tradesman electrician will not have sufficient training in such matters in his CPD scheme.

To make matters worse, as a result of a question by a neighbour who want to suggest to his lad that he follow an Electrician apprenticeship, I discovered that my area (SE UK) has no regular Technical College Route pursuing CnG courses.  Apprenticeships are very rare and as a rule focus on training junior managers. 

In short, a young person cannot readily find his way in to becoming and electrical tradesman ( I have to make a distinction between the concept of a Technician here)

When you aggregate the complete installation identifying all physical components, the SLD suddenly becomes quite complex.  ie Going from Panel Arrays > optomisers > cables > marshalling boxes > Fuse links > Isolators > Master Circuit Breaker > Inverter (s) > Battery Bank > Domestic Consumer Unit > Grid resale meter > Master Isolator > standby generator > Auto Transfer Switch, Control and monitoring systems, Emergency shutdown scheme.

When you seen the numerous wannabee hopefuls going offgrid and often their lack of formal technical training they dont realise how dangerous their rough and ready installation is

I can post links to many sources of my concern here if there is sufficient interest


  • Not that anyone here would use a neon screwdriver for proving dead anyway - they fell out of favour many many years ago (too many accidents where either the internal resistor failed to provide a high enough resistance (internal fault or exposure to moisture) or the user's finger didn't provide a sufficiently low earth path

    AFAIK that is an urban myth, neon screw drivers are still commonly in use.  Leccies of course are well versed in fake kit and would habitually check anyway.  BTW its not a finger poke, that maybe wet, its the bare knuckle test which apprentices (if we still had any) would be well tutored (goes with the neon test).  Have done it myself when a neon wasnt to hand.

    Surely DC volt meter (or other DC voltage indicator) can be used on exposed DC terminals (or connectors) just like you would use a neon screwdriver on AC terminals

    What you do yourself is your choice and there are many who show that they wont be told.  However, put yourself in the position of instructing an installer - is this what you would tell him?

    Where are these convenient bare terminals to Volt test when you are on the roof?  The Volt meter will not tell you if significant current is flowing?  Can I safely uncouple an MC4?  If there's only a few amps flowing say <5A then no damage will occur.  If its 50A, you will damage the MC4 and it has to be replaced (leaving a damaged one in service is asking for incipient arcing to start at some future time and start a fire.  This should be a mandatory procedure. 

    Remember these MC4 are usually tucked behind panels so scaffolding and dismantling panels needed

    More homework needed rather than armchair speculation.

  • Here is the conventional Firemans switch often seen on shop fronts

    Unfortunately its a 3ph blade switch for ac only.  But you can see the purpose

    I havent seen an equivalent suitable for dc use yet  - try browsing and let us know.

    Here is an example of a huge scandal in OZ when a mandatory mcb was installed on Solar systems.  In OZ they have a national sponsored push to get every roof retro-fitted with panels

    A test to show what happened - there were numerous fires before their Regs were hastily changed and this particular device was outlawed.  There are numerous Cheap Charlie MCBs offering dc disconnection as well as 1/4 turn rotaries

    I spent over a year researching these horror stories, there are hundreds of YT examples and some from Companies who should have known better.

    Some enlightening reading


    Recommendations to improve the safety of firefighters responding to fire incidents on buildings where PV
    is present are summarised:
     Information on appropriate emergency response methods of making PV systems safe – requires
    further research.
     Ability to identify the presence of a PV system early on in firefighting operations – this could be
    improved through training and through PV installers use of the ‘Solar PV on roof’ label as
    required by MCS [9].
     Revision of NOG information – in discussion between CFOA and BRE Fire & Safety Team.
     Consistency of SOPs for PV across all UK FRSs – preferably using new NOG information.
     Provision of training to fire crews in the following:
    o Basic understanding and recognition of the PV system components and labels - in order
    to quickly identify the presence of a PV system, assist with risk assessments and to
    provide more detailed information to fire investigators and during debriefs.
    o Details of the hazards that a PV system may introduce to a fire incident – including
    associated hazards such as potential to electrify other conductive objects.
    o Safe isolation procedures – including an understanding of what parts of the system
    should still be considered live.Other approaches that can be taken to deenergise systems
    and the risks that these could pose to fire crews.

    And here is a source that will show where the USA and its revered UL  are going with the technology

  • I will repeat my question, what does the Fireman's switch isolate and what does it leave live? They were originally used for high voltage neon signs on shop fronts and then I believe for electric petrol pumps (may be wrong). If you break the circuit from the solar panels to the inverter the panels and the wiring down to the switch are alive. You also need a switch capable of breaking a few hundred volts DC. A shorting switch might be better?

    Similar problems exist with EVs. The HV cables are required to be in defined places that are in the emergency services documentation. They must also be orange and have a grounded screen. These carry similar voltages and higher currents than PV systems.

    More house fires are caused by other things than solar panels, probably smoking and cooking are the main causes. Do some Pareto deal with the 20% of the causes that result in 80% of the problems.

  • BTW its not a finger poke,

    I meant the finger that has to make contact with the top of a neon screwdriver for it to illuminate - making the user part of the circuit (if, hopefully, at an extremely low current). Unusually dry skin, or contamination (or gloves) can mean the screwdriver doesn't illuminate even when the tip is live.

    knuckle test which apprentices (if we still had any) would be well tutored

    You are joking? Not this century (or even the latter part of the previous one) - reg 14 of Electricity at Work regs put paid to people being taught to do such things long ago. Use the proper safety equipment or go home is the mantra these days.

    Can I safely uncouple an MC4? 

    Ah, OK I see where you're coming from now. Probably more conventionally described as being 'on load' rather than 'live'. There are similar considerations with high current connectors on AC system. Generally operating procedures are used to reduce the risk (typically shut down the inverter and then open the (downstream) DC isolator, at that point there should be no current flowing ... unless there's a short in the DC wiring somewhere. I agree a clamp meter would be useful in mitigating the remaining risk.

       - Andy.

  • Generally operating procedures are used to reduce the risk (typically shut down the inverter and then open the (downstream) DC isolator, at that point there should be no current flowing ... unless there's a short in the DC wiring somewhere.

    Really?  is this what you would stand up and say in court after the owners house burnt down?

    Try sketching out and studying an SLD of a Solar energy system, 10kW panels, installation kit, inverters, batteries, Victron stuff, standby genny, metering to grid etc and start with Andy's - over 500 Vids packed with solid personal experience.

  • Really?

    Of course - the electrical industry uses similar procedures all the time - prove instruments, switch off, lock off, prove dead, re-probe instruments, before exposing live parts. The ones above are actually on a sign supplied with my own PV system and match the instructions from the inverter manufacturer for safe isolation.  Why would I even end up in court if some DIYer caused themselves damage by not following sensible precautions? Would the original installation electrician be called to account if a DIYer decided to unscrew a socket from the wall without turning off the supply first or tried to wire a 10kW shower in 1.0mm²?

       - Andy.

  • The problem of course that while we can detect alternating current and voltages with clamp meters and capacitive probes  respectively that are non contact, and large DC currents by their magnetic fields using a hall effect probe (in a DC clamp meter) with reasonable confidence, there is no equivalent  reliable non-contact method of detecting the presence or absence of a  DC voltage before some metal is exposed..

    Breaking of high current DC is going to have to be taught with extra emphasis and maybe a  few old techniques  re-learnt - things that get overlooked include the fact that magnetic arc traps used for DC breaking are polarity sensitive - the arc being pushed one way or the other, and there are certain kinds of fault (parallel sources such as strings of panels)  where quite conceivably a fault current could be flowing either way.

    I don't see it as a big deal but we do need to make sure the information is available and well disseminated so folk know what to look for.


  • Great stuff - it supports my OP - we are not teaching this emerging speciality anywhere AFAIK.  Practising Leccies dont have time to self study this area, and there are no accredited text books you can pick up on. Worse still is the amateur with a superficial grasp of electrics who thinks he knows dc systems from meddling with cars/trucks. When you get into Lithium storage there is a great deal to learn and your path is twisted and confused by YT and Ggle rubbish highly influenced by suppliers of kit or bogus courses.  Its a nightmare fighting through it all - then you have to deal with Cheap Charlie.

    FWIW I recently discovered fake solar cable floating around on the market. - 6mm2 turned out to be neared 4mm2 - so be careful to check a sample before laying out for a drum.  Fake MC4 connectors are everywhere and a major cause of roof fires. Panel installers may well have no credentials as Installation is ca 50% of total cost.  Solar energy is wild west country.

  • What actually is your point here? There is not enough training? People buy cheap substandard components?

    I can accept that substandard connectors could start fires especially if non flame retardant plastics are used. The question is what can the fire spread to. The cables again should be flame retardant. I agree if PVC cables had been used rather than the correct solar cables there could be a problem.

    The current rating of solar cables is a different problem.  The current rating of a cable is based on a temperature rise in the conductor to give a temperature in the insulation that will give a defined service life. This may be 40 years for building and railway cables or 3000 hours for automotive cables. The ambient temperature obviously plays an important part. If I use a 4mm2 cable in place of a 6mm2 cable what will happen? At full load the temperature rise may be doubled (roughly). How long will it be at full load? For a typically solar installation probably at most 25% of the time. Will this reduce the service life? Probably not. The cable temperature will be higher with the addition of a higher ambient temperature due to the sunshine. This will not be a problem if the correct crosslinked polymers are used for the insulation, it will not melt. Will the temperature be enough to ignite anything nearby?

  • Go back and read my text and do some homework

    a) There most certainly is not enough quality training in Electrical Eng of the type that existed with the tech College HNC courses.  The lecturers were great, knowledgeable guys.  The pseudo Uni factories dont offer the same level as the day release system.  Certainly you wont get instruction on the special conditions for dc ELV systems. Given the parlous state of employment conditions for lecturers, I doubt whether any quality staff can be retained (get more as a warehouse shelf filler). I have great sympathy for all those students who were cheated out of "face time" lecturing hours substituting on line instruction and tutoring which is of inferior quality yet still have to pay for huge tuition fees.

    b) Try buying the Lucas pattern push fit spade connectors common in older cars.  On EB you are totally flooded with Cheap Charlie copies with substandard materials and much thinner brass sheet ( bad news, cant carry current or maintain spring contact pressure).  You unlikely to find the original item but are presented with hundreds of identical listing utterly wasting your time.  Even drilling into GGL wholesalers often offer them same gear. Eventually you find a real EU manufacturer, but the MOQ is 1000's

    c) My point about Solar cables (which have EU TUV markings on the sheath - you specify 6mm2 but are supplied with nearer 4mm2 is that acceptable.  Your other questions relating to 4mm" instead of 6mm2  are for the professional designer to decide and justify

    You need to look at your view of the professional responsibilities here  as what you do in your own shed is your business.  A designer must weigh up the info and credentials from the supplier and prepare a PO with tech spec and this is used the an inspector to approve delivery of a shipment before payment is approved.  Look at the utter fiasco of the recent COVID PPE masks that were found to be CHEAP CHARLIE fakes of the genuine International Std product and totally in effective as a filter for micron virus particles. 

    The designer makes drawings and docs which  specify the wiring installation and components which must all be compatible and fit together. This is given to unknown buyers and electrician installers somewhere to implement.  No place for the trivial minded lazy "catalog engineer".

    Many a leccie wannabee designer (who has extensive - and valuable field experience) fail utterly in the design office when it comes to putting it all down on paper as a set of instructions for another unknown installer or a buying spec.