Engineering Ethics

It is desirable for the IET to develop guidelines on Engineering Ethics and Responsible Governance of Emerging Technologies

  • Have at look at the Engineering Council publication on ethics?

  • Many thanks Gerald, the EC's publication is a code of conduct not quite an Engineering Code of Ethics that should provide guidelines for Responsible Engineering! Cheers

  • It is not clear to me what you mean by responsible Governance of "Merging" technologies?

    For example are you talking about merging concrete manufacture with medical equipment design!

    I have to assume you might mean merging medical equipment with AI software operating software.

    On the subject of ethics it really depends on where one resides or practices. By being a member of the IET you are governed by English and Welsh law.

    The IEEE (which has a presence in the UK ) has it own (and different ) ethics rules.

    Peter Brooks

    Palm Bay FL   

  • Is that merging or emerging technologies?

  • of course emerging such as AI

  • I am sorry for the mistyping Peter. it should be Emerging not Merging.

    as for IEEE, I am well familiar with their code of ethics and conduct. this is not what I am arguing about here and again with reference to IEEE, I am more arguing about IEEE initiatives such as IEEE 7000 series of standards on Tech Ethics and their CertifAIEd programme that I have had a role in

  • Did you mean emerging technologies?

    I do think that the IET should focus more on ethics.

    As a Systems Engineer I face a lot of pressure 

  • Apologies for the mistyped message. Yes I do mean Emerging not Merging. Alas it does not seem possible to edit the message online. I also agree with you that the IET as the key institution for a range of professions should have its own Ethics guidelines for personal as well as Technology guidelines

  • It has been a major concern of mine over the years, that the IET has a too parochial  (narrow) viewpoint. 

    I don't know where you actually reside, but I, as a US citizen, do not like being effectively governed by English and Welsh laws, as required by the IET.  

    Your example about AI being an emerging technology brings to mind the incorporation of AI software into medical devices. Here in the US the FDA has to approve the complete (hardware and software) product before it can be sold.

    Peter Brooks

    Palm Bay FL

  • Thanks Peter

    I am resident in London UK. as for my note for the IET, I have led a programme for IEEE over the past 8 years to develop standards and a certification system for AI Ethics that can be generalised for ethics of emerging technologies. IEEE now offers this as a global service (AI Ethics certification) under the CertifAIEd mark (see

    I am hoping the IET takes a similar responsible approach and does not suffice to referencing Eng Council or RAE as those who lead on this.
