Using IET Experts to identify the root causes of serious public and private "Denial of Service" IT Problems

Over this past weekend the British public was subjected to a major "Denial of Service" by Barclays' Bank .

One public observer reviewing the on-going situation noted "At least it appears it wasn't caused by hostile actors!

But what if it had been?"

The IET organization keeps on stressing it's expertise, but never seems (publicly at least) to be actively involved in the long term solutions to these engineering problems.

What is required is an IET sponsored organization that can provide a group of independent experts who will review such major (that lasts for over 24 hours) events, and within 6 weeks report back to the government (and the public) potential long term corrective recommendations.

Peter Brooks

Palm Bay FL

  • Hello Andy:

    Every software project I was responsibility for had to be fully defined before handing it off to the coders - for example each digit of the unique part  number had defined boundary conditions - it also had to fit into a database, BOM and WIP. I was lucky that my company had an in -house coder group, however we also purchased outside canned programs.

    I was never impressed with IBM software.

    I started learning coding in "assembly" language on a IBM 1620 system in 1961 but it was not my thing.

    Peter Brooks

    Palm Bay Florida USA