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How many pumps on electric wet UFH?


I am being told that wet UFH only needs one pump located on the UFH manifold and UFH circuits. 

My understanding is that it  needs two pumps, one for the boiler circuit and one for the UFH circuits as they are two distinct circuits. 

Seeing as you are all experts on circuit arrangements, tell me if the UFH manifold pump can circulate the water through the boiler without a boiler circuit pump installed?
  • I guess another option is to put a flow switch in the circuit -  so the boiler isn't 'fired' up until the water is flowing.

       - Andy.
  • Do they have free electricity, that heating is going to cost a bomb to run?
  • Just as an aside.

    I often see plumbing/heating bods put a circulation pump in the HW supply from the boiler.

    Sometimes timed and sometimes constant.

    I know that the pumps do not eat many KWs but still it seems to me that running permanent or for hours on end just in case someone needs to draw hot water and not wait "too long" for it to arrive seems poss a waste in many normal instances
  • We have a circulating HW main. It remains off unless we have guests because the guest bathroom is furthest from the tank.

    I wonder which wastes more heat: (a) leaving hot water in the pipes after washing; or (b) maintaining the circuit at 60°C?

    I cannot see the point in an average-sized house.