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Audio Wiring Question.

Mornin' All,

On Saturday night I set up a mobile  disco for a party. The set up included a double deck record player with mixer, separate amplifiers and speakers. The system is stereo. I made a mistake in the wiring and one channel was not working. I later discoverrd that I had inserted a mono 1/4 jack inch plug into a stereo 1/4 inch socket on the breakout box from the disco console before the amplifiers. This created a short circuit for one channel at the line level stage.

So, why did this not damage the output stage of the mixer due to the short circuit|? Are they inherently protected and failure safe?


  • I mentioned the gate protection Mike! Probably about 10A and 50V as you say, 500W possible dissipation for a minute or two.. I like RF FETS too, I have an excellent module in a 2m PA, 12V 80W out and no particular SWR susceptibility and linear, with RF NFB! I could go on about these audio amps for a long time Mike, but not today. It is difficult to get these fairly simple designs to very low THD, as loop gain is a problem, and mosfets don't help either, but that's another story. The Self articles on good design in an old Wireless World were very useful too.