can you certify an installation which has two core red and black singles wiring in conduits approx 50 years old with no cpcs

the clients expect me to certifcate an installation with red and black singles cables in conduit thats approx 50 -60  years old with no cpcs 

my take is i cannot touch this with a barge pole 

dave O'Malley 

  • I have found a length of rubber 2-core cable under my own floorboards. Difficult to date because the accompanying empty Woodbine packet was unchanged for decades. Given that the house was re-wired circa 1982, that cable must be somewhat older. I have also recently found a fragment (6") of steel conduit with fabric covered singles, which are in good condition.

    Some of the gas pipes, which date back to 1924, are no longer serviceable.

  • An insulation resistance test on completely dilapidated single VR cables will still show a healthy reading. I did an IR test on a church hall a few years back where the rubber just disintegrated when touched, still got +999Mohms.

  • Andy, as I said, heat is the long term problem with rubber becoming brittle, I find that lighting circuits are not affected since usually overrated.
