Maximum and Minimum fault currents

Bit confused, I was reading this in a book called modern wiring practices

Calculation minimum fault current 3P 3 wire.

Ipp = VL / 2zp

Ipp  - phase / Phase PSSC

VL - Line voltage

2zp inpedance of one phase only

So using 400V

In the design guide its.

Ief = Cmin Uo / Zx + CrZd + Cr'Z1 +Cr"Z2 + Cr'"Zpen

So using 230V

EIDG tells us A fault across three phases is considered the worst case....

and we get Cmax Uo / Zx +Zd

Again voltage to earth is used.

But basically a bit unsure why 230V is used to calculate 3 phase fault current and not 400V

Any help really appreciated. Thanks