Fire combustibility exclusion clause professional indemnity insurance.

This morning I had at look at my renewal quote for my Electrical Contractors combined insurances policy.

Attached is a briefing note from the insurance company, regarding a Fire Combustibility Exclusion Clause. Any thoughts?

  • To stop the £50 drive by EICR the HSE need to start to prosecute offenders of false EICRs.  CPS (Competent Person Schemes) need to make their members aware that they should report suspected EICR breaches.

    As always there are many caveats but the 2 biggest are

    1)  The need for 1 governing body for Electric contractors/employees

    2  Who pay for this

  • 2  Who pay for this

    Always the consumer

  • Ultimately, every time.

    So if fire risk assessors have to pay shed-loads for PI insurance, the price will reflect that.

  • Indeed - perhaps meaning that at the shallow end it does not happen properly or in some cases at all - roughly where we are now of course. At some point things are not worth doing. In the limit if it is expensive enough you could decide not to bother with electricity at all,though we are long way from that in the UK, and in places where there is not the money the work is much rougher (thinking places like Africa and South America).


  • What about using OpenAI / Chat  GPT 4 (other brands are available) to do the risk assessment?  I think that would make for a very interesting experiment.  Can AI read the room and spot the issues a human can?

    Could a AI generated Risk assessment beat a AI generated Fire Combustibility Exclusion Clause?

    Would AI need insurance?

  • Could a AI generated Risk assessment beat a AI generated Fire Combustibility Exclusion Clause?

    That's a truly frightening thought - how (and who) would you train the AI system ?

    I'm not a great believer in adding to paperwork that no one reads.
