Use of Schuko sockets in a UK home only for a HiFi system

Hello everyone,

This is my first post.

I have a question about using Schuko sockets in a UK domestic home.

But first, a bit of background might help.

I am a Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. I didn't think my people would be very good at answering this question which is why I am here!

In more detail, I would like to use a Schuko socket to which only my hi-fi system would connect. The socket would be connected to a brand-new consumer unit with RCBO’s. There will also be surge protection. All will be done to the latest standards and specifications by a fully qualified electrician. The wiring diagram would be based on the one in this link:

I will also have a regular UK 3-pin socket. I am a reviewer for a HiFi magazine and want to do the above as the basis of an article on HiFi power supplies. 

So back to the question, is there any legal reason (or otherwise) that I can't use the Schuko socket in the UK? 

If the answer is “yes I can”, albeit with specific conditions, I'd like to quote that in my article/review. Especially if the Schuko supply sounds better than the UK 3-pin with fuse!

I am looking forward to your response.

Many thanks


  • Thanks, Andy,

    Well noted Blush


  • I really appreciate your comprehensive response.

    Why a Schuko?
    a UK style unfused round-pin socket (e.g. the old 5A or 15A ones of yesteryear)

    A good spot, but is not available on ready-made "Audiophile power cables", hence Schuko.

    Schuko plugs aren't polarised (L-N can be reversed simply by inserting the plug the other way around)

    I will be using ones where the L and N are marked.

    single "main switch"

    I will have one after the smart meter before the Henley splitter blocks feeding to the consumer units.

    their "woven" offering I suspect will cause all sort of problems with BS 7671 compliance

    I won't be using their woven cable. I will be using a screened cable.

    Expect that your electrician will want to alter things a bit (with additional costs no doubt)

    Thankfully the electrician is a bit of an Audiophile, and the price for the work (I've checked) is very reasonable. Phew!

  • No worries. 

    I won't be trying the balanced mains unit because with transformers that big -  sometimes they produce terrible mechanical hum. I remember that from the days when I had Naim Audio power amplifiers.

  • Thank you for such a comprehensive response.

    a UK style unfused round-pin socket

    Good spot but they aren't easily available on ready-made Audiophile power leads.

    Schuko plugs aren't polarised (L-N

    Mine are marked.

    a single "main switch"

    I will have a main isolator switch after the smart meter before the Henley blocks that feed both consumer units.

    "woven" offering

    I will be using screened cable.

    Expect that your electrician will want to alter things a bit

    Thankfully my electrician is a bit of an Audiophile, and his cost is very reasonable (I have checked). Phew!

  • There will always be fuses or circuit breakers in the wiring, starting with a, probably 800A fuse, in the substation then a 60 - 100A fuse in your incoming supply. Next will be a 16A fuse or circuit breaker for your Schuko or a 32A RFC fuse/circuit breaker followed by a 13A fuse in the plug. There may well be a further fuse in the equipment. What are you trying to eliminate?

  • transformers that big

    Although one the scale of the electricity distribution system they're tiny - with the consequence that inserting them into the supply circuit will effectively add a considerable impedance - which rather calls into question all the other efforts they're recommending for the apparent purpose of reducing the impedance.

       - Andy.

  • True. Also the internal fuses of the HiFi component.

    In the spirit of marginal gains, I’m trying to eliminate and “improve” what I can in a safe and legal way, hence the original question about using Schuko connectors in the UK.

    Once I’m comfortable I can do that, and it looks like I can, I can make a comparison and see if music sounds better.

    The proof is in the pudding, as they say.

  • Good spot but they aren't easily available on ready-made Audiophile power leads.

    Oooh? gap in the market for a new product??? Could be a money spinner!

       - Andy.

  • In the spirit of marginal gains, I’m trying to eliminate and “improve” what I can in a safe and legal way, hence the original question about using Schuko connectors in the UK.

    Once I’m comfortable I can do that, and it looks like I can, I can make a comparison and see if music sounds better.

    Are your ears capable of appreciating such marginal gains? Are we talking about low frequencies or high frequencies? How does the circuit eliminate any form of interference which must, presumably, be coming from elsewhere in the property or the street?

    Not unlawful, but beware of smoke and mirrors!

  • Music is art and art is emotion. So, yes, I can and do hear/ feel the difference in things like power cables.

    If you consider HiFi equipment as extremely high precision data retrieval instruments utilising electricity, one could brainstorm many opportunities to corrupt data retrieval, conversion (digital and analog), amplification and transmission to the speakers. And never have we had so many EMI, EFI and EMC challenges as we do these days.

    I've been reading this book…

    An interesting fact is the human hearing stops developing at about the age of 14, unless children are exposed to music from a young age and develop a love for music. This leads to the inner hair cells developing dendrites, meaning they hear things other don’t. I need music like the air that I breathe!

    Sorry, I’ve gone off topic!