SWA glanded in a plastic stuffing gland

Hi all, 

I’ve been trying to settle a difference of opinion and looking for advice. 
we have several supplies fed in SWA, they have all been glanded off with a CW gland into the DB. At the load end, the armouring has been taped up and a plastic stuffing gland has been used where it enters  metal EV Chargers, its been done deliberately to isolate the earth to the chargers. 
My colleague and I think this is poor practice and think an isolating gland should have been fitted or the armoured terminated into a plastic enclosure prior to entering the charger. the below regulations are what we believe are contravened. 

Regulation 134.1.1Good workmanship by competent persons or persons under their supervision and proper materials shall be used in the erection of the electrical installation.

regulation 526.8 Cores of sheathed cables from which the sheath has been removed and non-sheathed cables at the
termination of conduit, ducting or trunking shall be enclosed as required by Regulation 526.5.

Our colleagues think we are incorrect, yet have conceded that the use of a stuffing gland isn’t to manufacturers instructions and agree that the stuffing gland isn’t supporting the cable like a SWA glad would by clamping the armour.

what is everyone’s view on here? 

  • And they were right to be perplexed because there's rarely a compelling argument to TT where supplementary electrodes for the TN[-C]-S won't suffice.

    There are some caveats here ... and these are exemplified because of the increased reported accident stats with MEN (Australia/NZ version of PME) vs UK ... in Australia, but not New Zealand ...but in general, I agree

    Especially now we've got plenty of options for PEN fault protection if it really is a concern.

    Yes, new standard IET 01:2024 now available, which should help to address issues with unwanted operation etc.

    Generally I'm of the school that having everything at the same potential via main and supplementary bonding which I can be sure of the integrity often by visual inspection trumps separation where to validate safety someone's got to prove the absence of conductivity and hope nothing happens between inspections.

    This is, I agree, the best option if you have it ... the problem is, there are limits to the concept of 'equiopotential boding' unless you make sure it happens ... BUT even then, there's a difference making it happen at 50 Hz, vs GB frequencies ... and then when you look at the size of a site, distance amplifies resistance and inductance ...

    ... there is something that we call 'IGZ' ('ground window' in the US) that is a technique for dealing with that .. but believe me, it's all real. There are definitely very real limits to what we used to call the 'equipotential zone'.

  • The problem is that of course the earth is not flat, neither geographically, nor electrically,  So when I have my feet on the mud in one point and hold a wire, and my colleague holds the other end, and does the same, a current may well flow up one of us, along the wire and down the other, - there is a small DC for no better reason than the earth is a magnet, and we are rotating,  near built up areas there is a lot of AC from substations earthing arrangements and currents induced by nearby pylons, and everywhere there are radio frequencies  and impulsive currents from solar storms and lighting strikes around the world, and looking at the news, perhaps coming soon, though that has been said all my life, very large currents,  if there are any nuclear bombs being let off in the atmosphere...

    The saving grace is that over distances tens of metres these voltages are sub-volt, except the ones near substation earth electrodes, and generally pose no issues, but on large rambling campus installations or even big farms they become worth considering properly. Then, knowing that all the voltage offsets are safely piling up in the gap across SWA armour in a box or an insulated joint in the gas main you can point to, gives you the ability to measure and to plan to limit currents in a way that accommodates the effect rather than being caught out by it.

    If you don't,you risk introducing near field hazard zones around bits of metal that act as earthing of opportunity that do not have a keep out zone, that really should.

    As things get bigger or large chunks of metal get planted, the argument for TT increases. Interestingly I was working alongside a Kiwi sparks at an international scout event this summer, and over the odd beer we discussed earthing among many other things, and how they do not see the neutral as a 'live conductor' in the way we do but more as an earthy thing. The no of rods we drove in (one per genset)  amused him somewhat.

    Its not a simple topic, and all the methods exist for good reasons and have their place.


  • I’d be interested to see the official guidance that you mentioned.

    My memory isn't what it used to be, but I'll try to dig it out...

    I think in this case they didn’t like the aesthetic  of a box under the charger. 

    Does the charger have a metallic enclosure then? The might suggest another problem ... how are they ensuring the double/reinforced insulation of the live conductors up to the RCD (or equivalent)?

       - Andy.

  • ha! there is some semi official guidance that gets it bady wrong - see here

    https://www.voltimum.co.uk/articles/armoured-cable-supplies-outbuildings and note that the gland outside the box is accessible.

    These glands could do it https://www.cmp-products.com/Installation%20Instructions/CMP%20ZEN.pdf  if you do not strip the cladding too far back
