Article Surrey

Welcome to the IET Surrey Local Network

We organise a monthly series of technical and engineering-based free public lectures, which are given in person at the University of Surrey in Guildford, and are simultaneously available online.  You can find details of our forthcoming events on the right of this page.

If you would like to attend one of our events, please register via the booking link found in the event details so that  we can send you directions to our lecture location, or online joining information

Our policy is to give lectures on up-to-date topics of interest in the area of engineering and technology, to inform interested members of society of current developments in those subjects, to inspire younger people to pursue careers in this field, and to encourage those working to develop their technical skills and achieve professional registration through membership of the IET.

IET Surrey has a channel at IET Surrey YouTube where you'll find videos of the talks we have previously presented.  All of our lectures are recorded and are available to watch subsequently online.


PDF   The Resource Challenge of Going Green - 18 January 2023

Our committee

Chair Colin Cunningham
Secretary Vacant
Treasurer Mike Austwick
Members Leon Markwell
Tim Brown
Martin Butterworth
James Checkley
Paul Cole
Malcolm Dudson
Graham Stott
David Humphreys
Peter Mobbs
Samantha Nagawatte
Richard Packer
Nigel Ward
Local Network Manager (staff) Julie Hudson

Need to contact us?

Email the committee at: 

Retired Members Surrey - RMS

The Retired Members Surrey section is affiliated to IET Surrey Centre and organises a range of technical and social events in the Surrey area throughout the year. It enables those who have retired from their normal full-time occupations to meet up with like-minded friends and colleagues on a regular basis. Current activities include general-interest talks, technical talks, a Walking Group and a luncheon club. Social activities include a summer cream tea and a Christmas lunch.
For details of currently planned events see the IET Surrey Events page.

The RMS is a society of retired mainly electrical and electronic engineers residing in the Surrey area who meet socially and to learn about technology-related topics. Members often continue to participate in activities of the Surrey Local Network and the wider IET although the RMS operates independently from them. Associate membership is available to non-IET members who wish to participate in the RMS activities on a regular basis.

The major activity of the RMS is a meeting held on the first Wednesday of each month at East Horsley Village Hall. Proceedings begin with a time of social interaction over coffee/tea followed by a talk given by a visiting speaker. The talks themselves are sometimes of a technical nature outlining, for example, recent developments in some aspect of engineering or perhaps reviewing the historic development of a particular technology; such technical presentations are interspersed with general-interest talks on a variety of subjects. Bearing in mind the widely-differing backgrounds of our members and the fact that we encourage partners and guests to attend, we urge even our "technical" lecturers to make their presentations as accessible as possible.

Our meetings which are of a technical nature are supported financially by the IET. Other meetings are self-funding through membership fees. These meetings and other activities are open to both members and non-members and are free to attend for all interested people.

RMS Membership

A membership application form can be found here. To obtain further information, please contact the membership secretary


Our main meetings are usually held on the first Wednesday morning of each month. in the East Horsley Village Hall, Kingston Avenue, KT24 6QT, off the B2039 just south of Horsley Railway Station (OS Ref. TQ090542; phone 01483 285019). The meetings normally start at 10:00 for coffee/tea. Partners and guests are welcome.


Our Walking Group arranges walks in the Surrey area, nominally on a monthly basis over the summer months and alternating between Tuesdays and Thursdays. Walks are arranged and led by members. Walks are circular, generally about four miles long and followed by a pub lunch. We meet at 10.15 usually for a 10:30 start. Partners and guests are always welcome, including dogs. For more information, contact

We also have an informal pub lunch meeting, usually on the third Wednesday of each month.