Article Berkshire

The IET Berkshire Network is open to anyone interested in Engineering and Technology and wants to expand their knowledge, as well as encouraging people to enter the profession. The committee of the IET Berkshire Network organises visits, events, life skills workshops and professional registration clinics.

Associated with Berkshire is the Specialised Section EC3 (Electronics, Communication, Computing and Control) which organises lectures at a slightly higher technical level. Our lectures are also given here.

Our key topics and themes

Located at the heart of the Thames Valley, we're ideally located for a broad spectrum of high tech industries, as well as more traditional engineering. Just a small selection of topics include, AI, robotics, medical electronics, IoT, telecommunications including mobile telecommunications, such as 5G topics.


Events are usually held in the Reading area, but since April 2020 we've been busy rescheduling events to be held online. Everyone is welcome to attend our talks and events whether online or at a physical meeting.

 Visit the events page filtered by Berkshire Local Network to find out about our upcoming events.

We are always looking for ideas or suggestions for events and visits, so if there is something that you'd like us to organise, or you'd like to help to organise, please get in touch.

EC3 Events

We are now setting up our events for Autumn 2024 and Spring 2025. Here is what we have.

Thurs Nov 28th 2024   Title : Technology for Toys - Delivering the Magic  :  Warren Jacobs 

Thurs Mar 27th 2025   Title : Railway signalling from the perspective of a Reading Signal Engineer : Peter Woodbridge

All talks will start at 19:30, with tea/coffee available from 19:00 and will be in the Van Emden Theatre, Edith Morley Building at the University of Reading, Whiteknights campus.

If travelling by Bus, the No 21 and 21A stop outside Whiteknights House which is near Edith Morley. If coming by car, use RG6 6UR.  For more information, please see 

The University has decided to charge for parking, but if you use car park 1A put the permit below in your car, or use a different car park!


We have some ideas for later talks. but it is worth noting that our committee has shrunk and we are keen to attract new members, as well as suggestions for other lectures - both topic and speakers.

HELP If you are interested in helping us, please contact us using

2022/23 Volunteer Committee

Chair Anthony Bardos
Vice Chair Dr Rui Zhang
Secretary TBC
Vice-Secretary Vacancy
Treasurer Kevin Lewis
Vice Treasurer John Waterhouse
Events co-ordinator Vacancy
Education officer Richard Hughes
Deputy Education Officer Vacancy
Professional Registration Advisor   Arup Dhar
Webmaster Helen Rickerby
Deputy Webmaster TBC
Social Media Helen Rickerby
Deputy Social Media Nicholas St. Hill
CC-UK Representative Abhaya Sumanasena
Local Network Manager (staff) Julie Hudson


Your Local Network needs you!

You can see that we have a number of volunteering opportunities on our committee. If you think can fill one of those vacancies, or to help us to organise future events, please contact us to find out more. Interested? – See the following reasons why our treasurer joined the Berkshire Local Network committee.

Why join the IET Berkshire Local Network Committee?

The key reasons why our treasurer joined the Local Network Committee:

  • To be with like-minded people with similar interests – social and personal interest
  • To promote engineering as a career to others
  • Greater involvement with skills and knowledge development in engineering and life-skills: lectures, visits, webinars etc.
  • Using the above to deepen my interest and knowledge in engineering and technology and other essential skills
  • To learn more about what is happening in the field in the Berkshire area and nearby.

The benefits our treasurer highlights, include:

  • Meeting many people through meetings and events – social and networking
  • Experience in planning and running events
  • As Treasurer – experience in budgeting and financial management
  • Much greater knowledge of engineering and current developments in the field of technology.

Contact us 

Please contact the IET Berkshire LN committee by e-mailing us at