Article Queensland

The Queensland Local Network is led by local volunteers who come together to organise lectures and technical visits that provide opportunities to learn and meet new people. All events are open to the public and most are free of charge.

The Local Network aims to raise awareness of science, engineering and technology in the local area, and promote membership of the IET.

Visit the events page filtered by Queensland Local Network to find out about our upcoming events.

Contact us:

Our committees:

Chair: Lincoln Perera
Deputy Chair: Jonathan Khor
Treasurer: Ross Phillips
Deputy Treasurer: Paul Tatton
Student Presentation Competition & Prizes: Jonathan Khor
Secretary: Lakshantha Visvalingam
Deputy Secretary: Anjan Kundu
Member Communications: Priyanga Ambanwala
General committee member: Brian Dunn

New year message, IET Queensland LN Chairperson, A. Lincoln Perera

Dear Members, partners, and friends of IET Queensland local network,

Happy new year 2025

We organised quality events that surpassed the level of activities seen before covid 19 pandemic.

Our commitments to organise these events in line with IET strategies has not only created a vibrant community but also provided an opportunity for networking and continuous professional development for our members.

Collaborating with other professional organisations and participating in signature events, has further elevated pour presence within the engineering community.

I extend my sincere thanks to the dedicated committee and members for your support. With your continued support and the momentum, we have built together, I’m confident IET Queensland network will continue to flourish in 2025.

Wishing you and your families a Happy New year 2025 filled with prosperity and abundance.


With warmest wishes,

A. Lincoln Perera

Chairperson., IET Queensland LN

Recent Updates:

IET QLD and EA Student Presentation Competition Qld Finals 2024 on 10 October 2024.

Student Presentation Competition 2024 jointly organized by IET Queensland Local Network and Engineers Australia was successfully held today at QUT (Queensland University of Technology) in Brisbane.

It was five outstanding presentations and a close competition; it was hard to pick the winners as the margin was slim.
Furthermore, assessment was done on Presentation skills as an engineer rather than technical content.

Below participants representing five universities in Queensland presented their researches in the competition where Lewis Luck (UQ) emerged the winner and Tahlia Clennar (JCU) the runner up.

- Localisation and Mapping for QUT Motorsport by Beverley Gorry Beverley Gorry, Queensland University of Technology
- Renewable Energy Integration in Gladstone Airport Operations–A Feasibility Study and Design by Griffin Day, Central Queensland University
- Development of a Machine Learning Model for Paediatric Swallow Classification by Caleb Cuddihy, Griffith University
- Underwater Collision Detection and Path Planning for a Reef Scanning Autonomous Surface Vessel by Lewis Luck, University of Queensland
- Designing a Digital Twin for Agreed Hydrogen Microgrid by Tahlia Clennar, James Cook University

Congratulations to our winners and all participants !!!

On behalf of IET QLD LN , we thank Kerry Williams, Justin Reid from Engineers Australia , and Jonathan Khor, Priyanga Ambanwala and Mark Blundell from IET QLD LN on organising this event.


IET Queensland Local Network Technical Visit to Brisbane Metropolitan Traffic Management Centre on 1 August 2024.

The IET Queensland Local Network given a tour of the Brisbane Metropolitan Traffic Management Centre, exploring the complex network of Tlit Pan Cameras, Road Sensors, IOT devices and show the Traffic monitoring and predictive forecasting of traffic in the Network.

We were hosted by Ms Shona Fleet, A/Manager Brisbane Centre Management and the technical tour was presented by Mr. Ken Chini.

In attendance were:
Lincoln Pererra, Lakshantha Visvalngam, Mark Blundell, Brian Dunn, Ian Nicholson, Biggie Tsongarera, Peter Kilby, Jared Cunningham and Jonathan Khor.

The tour started off with a slide presentation of statistics of the number of cameras, road sensors and intelligent display boards and then moved to the Traffic Management System that ties everything together. At this juncture the partition separating the meeting room to the Control Centre operations were lifted.

Ken went on to explain the different monitors and what they were monitoring and the various technologies that feed into the traffic management system. What was fascinating was the ability of the system to provide recommendatons to the operator to smooth out the traffic such that the bottle next could be cleared as quickly as practicable.

A number of questions were asked to further probe the types of technology used and this lead to Ken providing future developments that were planned for the BMTMC with intelligent IOT devices.

Proceedings were concluded with a presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation to Ken Chini for a very informative and insightful use of technology in managing Brisbane’s Traffic.

Further networking was extended with light refreshment and finger food at a local eatery.

Reported by
Jonathan Khor
Deputy Chair IET QLD Network


IET QLD /EA Student Presentation Competition 2023

The prestigious annual IET/EA/ITEE Student Presentation Competition was held at Hawken Auditorium, Engineers Australia, Brisbane on 10 October 2023 with students representing five of the seven Queensland Universities.

The names of the contestants, their educational establishment they represent and the topic of the presentation is listed below:

Aime Parker


Wireless Power Transfer for Underwater Submersibles

David Gaul


Enhancing Electrical Consumption Forecasts Using Bayesian Optimisation and Genetic Algorithms

Jai Wilson


Optimising and deploying control schemes for regional microgrids in First Nations Communities

Timothy Tadj


The Future of Swallowing Assessments: Automatic Segmentation of Swallowing Sounds via Deep Learning

Reilly Morrison


Development of reverse power flow identification and under frequency load shedding scheme load anticipation algorithm.

L to R :  Kerry Williams, Timothy Tadj, David Gaul, Jai Wilson, Reily Morrison, Amie Parker,
Lincoln Perera

The evening commenced with a time of networking with 24 members and invited guest from both IET and Engineers Australia.

The formal proceedings was opened by Lincon Perera, Chair of IET Queensland Local Network, with the traditional Welcome to Country followed by a brief history of IET and the student competition. Jonathan Khor introduced each of the contestants by providing some insights of why the contestants chose to pursue Engineering as a career.

The first contestant off the rank was Reilly Morrison, who presented his work with Energy Queensland. This was followed by a few questions before the second speaker Timothy Tadj took to the lectern. Tim provided a glimpse of how Engineering, AI and Health Science can collaborate to provide practical solutions.

Third contestant to present was David Gaul providing predictive modelling of electricity loads. This generated a number of probing questions from the industry leaders in the room. A short adjournment was taken before Aime Parker provided her findings on wireless power transfer as part of her combination of Engineering and Environmental Science project.

Jai Wilson was the final presenter in the competition who spoke on optimising control systems for off grid applications for First Nations Communities. This was a very topical and worthy project.

The adjudication panel comprised of two representatives from EA and Two from IET. It was a difficult task to judge between such great presentations on very topical issues. After considerable time of deliberation, outcome of the results were announced by Kerry Williams, Chair of Engineers Australia Queensland Electrical Branch. Congratulations go to the following contestants :

Competition Winner      :  Jai Wilson                       Competition Runner Up  : Amie Parker
Winner Cash Prize          :  $300                                Runner Up Cash Prize      :  $200


Each of the other participating contestants receive a certificate of participation and a presentation honorarium of $50.


Date: 29 August 2023


Colin Morwood OAM BE CEng FIET

It is with great sadness that we have been advised of the passing of Colin Morwood, one of our former Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Council Representative, who passed away peacefully on 21 August 2023.

Colin has had a distinguishing career both here in Australia and Overseas spanning the years of 1952 to his retirement from the industry in 1987. Colin’s career started after graduating from University of Queensland in 1952 and joining the City Electricity & Light/South East Authority Queensland Substation in Brisbane. His career transitioned  through positions in Southern Electric Authority and Northern Electric Authority. Colin moved to Papua New Guinea Electricity Commission for 3 years as the Assistant General Manager Engineering from 1974 to 1977 before returning to Queensland Electricity Generating Board where he retired from his engineering career.

 The prestigious and inaugural  E S Cornwall Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Colin in 1957 besides being the first Cadet Engineer appointed in SEAQ in 1948.  Colin was also awarded the PNG Government Independence Medal in 1977, for “‘Outstanding Services to the Government in the field of Electricity Supply”.

Outside of his engineering career, Col’s other interests include rotary clubs and gymnastics. In addition to representing Queensland at high level competitions as a gymnast, he has also participated as a judge at international level. He was awarded in the 1998 Queen’s Birthday Honours List, the Medal of the Order of Australia for “services to the community and to gymnastics”, in addition to being a judge at the Olympic Games in Melbourne 1956 and Rome 1960 and chief Australian delegate to the International Gymnastic Federation Conference Moscow in 1958.

For his long standing service to the IEE/IET as Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Council Representative over many years, in 2019 Colin was short listed for the IET 2019 Volunteer Medal.

Colin will be remembered for his tireless and passionate dedication to society and the IET.

Well done,  Colin and Rest in Peace.


Date: 14 July 2023

The IET Queensland Technical Tour – Energex Electricity Network Control Room

Speaker: Mr Rick Madden

The tour was opened by a Welcome to Country and welcome to Energex Newstead by Jonathan Khor. This was followed by opening remarks by the current Queensland Chair, Mr Lincoln Perera before a brief overview of Energex/Energy Queensland was presented by Jonathan.  

Mr Rick Madden, Manager Network Operations South East provided on overview of the PowerOn Control Systems adopted by Energex/Energy Queensland. The remote log into the system provided the real time representation of the network on a read only view that displayed the network from the 11kV network  to transmission voltage level.

Rick explained the various colour coding of the voltage levels and status symbols representing the network and also displayed the real time voltage and current monitoring of the network that is geo-location represented on the screen. An explanation of the real time switching sheets, notification tags and  SCADA Alarms.

Questions were raised by the floor with regards to priority of fault restoration, real time monitoring of the LV network, load control and solar in feed issues.

Following the presentation and question time, a brief tour was made of the Network Control Room with the large monitors that display all the functionalities of the PowerOn application shown and explained by Rick.

The technical presentation and tour concluded with light refreshments for an extended time of networking.


Date: 04 April 2023

Annual Informatics Lecture 2023: Engineering an autonomous race car

Speaker: Alistair English, Research Engineer & Student, QUT


Ever wondered what it takes to make a car 'driverless'? This year’s IET/EA Informatics lecture is about the journey the QUT Motorsports team has gone on to take their all electric formula SAE racing car to compete in the new 'Driverless' class. Alistair English led the autonomous systems team for 2021-2022 and will give an overview of the sensing and control systems as well as the supporting infrastructure systems and what is planned for future capabilities of the car. 

The IET/EA Informatics lecture series has a significant history in Queensland as an annual joint venture between IET Queensland and Engineers Australia Queensland Division. It is aimed at assisting the IET/EA members to keep abreast of the newest science and technology developments.


Date: 03 Nov 2022

IET Queensland Local Network held the 2022 Annual General Meeting at the Treasury Hotel, Brisbane on 3 November 2022.

17 IET Queensland members attended the meeting with Mr Desmond Ward B. Eng, MIEEE giving the key note presentation on 5G EME Exposure Standards and Communications Engineers Communicating, warmly welcomed by the out-going chair Mr Craig Johnston.

Please use the links to access the Presentation and  Minutes


Date: 19 Oct 2022

Student Presentation Competition 2023

The IET QLD and EA student presentation competition QLD final 2022 was conducted on 19th October 2022 with 6 eligible universities participating, 5 in person and one remotely. They hybrid event was hosted at Engineers Australia Building in Brisbane attended in person and online.

The high-quality presentations were judged on technical content, presentation skills and audience participation.

Congratulations to all who participated, and the results of the evening’s proceedings were as follows:

First Prize: Harrison Cusack, University of Queensland – The Effect of Training data Quantity on Monte Carlo Dropout Uncertainty un–Deep Learning

Runner Up: Ethan Waters, James Cook University – Sugarcane Health Monitoring and Ratoon Stunting Disease Detection with Freely Available Multispectral Satellite Data


  1. Phuoc Nguyen, Queensland University of Technology – Distribution System State Estimation considering uncertainty data under LV network
  2. Stuart Purcival, Griffith University – Transformer Inrush Currents: Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis Using PLSCAD
  3. Matthew Armanasco, University of Southern Queensland – Rapid RD Human Biometric Authentication Using CSI
  4. Montana Dawson, Central Queensland University – Condition Monitoring Assessment of Stanwell Power Station’s Transformers

Special thanks to our IET University Prizes Committee Member, Mark Blundell, who has provided his time and effort to make this event a possible after the absence due to COVID.


Date: 16 June 2022

The IET Queensland Local Network is co-hosting a Networking Event with our peer organisations to celebrate the achievements of the past year.
on 16 June at Customs House, Brisbane.

We have the pleasure to participate for this annual networking dinner for Queensland Branches of

  • Electrical Branch QLD
  • The Institution of Engineering and Technology - IET
  • The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE
  • The Information, Telecommunications, and Electronics Engineering College - ITEE
  • The Electric Energy Society of Australia - EESA