Article Railway

The Railway Technical Network facilitates sharing and understanding of technical information and knowledge associated with Railway for the benefit of IET members and the wider community. All of our events are open to the public and most are free of charge.

Key Topics for 2024
We are currently working on the the Network's key focus areas for  2024, so if you would like to input in this, please get in touch

Each year the TN organise several topic events including seminars (F2F and online), webinars, and also engage with external stakeholder activities such and joint institutions events.  Keep an eye out for  #Railway to follow us.

On Demand content
Content from previous webinars can be found on the Technical Network Webinar Hub under Transport.

Young Professional On Demand Content
IET Railway Young Professionals 'Introduction to Signalling', and 'Railway Engineering a New Horizon to Successful Future Career'


Executive Committee

John Lawrence, Chair

John Easton

Alexandros Gavrilakris
Dominic Kelsey
John Lawrence
Anthony Dunne
Zahangir Hussain 

Paul Wilson
Tim Whitcher

Community Manager
Tori Rooke


Joint working
The Railway TN are part of the Railway Engineers Forum (REF) who is a multi-disciplinary body drawn from those Professional Institutions with strong railway interests.

About REF
The aim of the Railway Engineers Forum (REF) is to harmonise the various strengths of the constituent Institutions in devising and implementing their programmes of activities in support of the railway community. This will encompass conferences, seminars, lectures, training, information services, publications and statements of policy to Government and other Regulatory Bodies.

Constituent Partners
The constituent partners of the Railway Engineers Forum are:

Associated Societies: