Writing blog posts for IET EngX

A blog post is a conversational-style article of at least 500 words. Unlike social media posts, which are short and concise, blog posts allow you to dive deeper into a topic and are a great way to share your knowledge with the EngX community.

Any IET member in the EngX community is welcome to contribute to the Community Insights blog.

To be informative for the community, blog posts should:

  • Be from a personal point of view (i.e. not press releases or marketing material).
  • Be 500 words or more about a technical topic that you are knowledgeable about.
  • Have a key learning point for community members to discuss or take away.

For example:

  • What project are you working on now that community members would find interesting?
  • Is there a common misconception you'd like to dispel about your work, project, or industry?
  • What societal or engineering challenge do you think your industry can help tackle, and how?
  • Are there opportunities for collaboration with your work, project or industry?
  • Have you attended an event or technical tour that the rest of the community might find interesting?

Contribute a blog post in four simple steps:

  1. Visit the Community Insights blog and click the ‘+New’ plus button in the header.
  2. Write and tag your blog post in the ‘Write’ tab.
  3. Visit the ‘Options’ tab to add an image and alt text.
  4. Post.

The IET EngX team will review your post to make sure you haven’t missed anything before we publish it.

Visit the Community Insights blog and get started, or read the complete guidance on planning, creating and choosing images for your blog post.

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