Ask the Expert - Energy Storage

Energy storage is a critical technology that allows us to store energy at one time and use it later. As our reliance on renewable energy sources like wind and solar grows, energy storage becomes increasingly vital for maintaining a stable and reliable power supply.

Pitch your questions about energy storage to our expert Griff Thomas who will be live in EngX on Wednesday 22 May to answer some of your questions. 

You'll need to have an account for EngX and be logged in to post a question. As always, please keep your questions relevant and on-track (see the Community Rules and Guidelines). 

  • Post your questions until Wednesday 22 May when our expert will reply with their answers.
  • Not all questions may be answered since time is limited. 
  • Our experts cannot offer advice, but they can share their experience and point you to other resources to help you further.
  • Upvote other people's questions to boost the chances of them being answered. You can also reply to other people's questions as well. 

Meet the Expert

Griff Thomas Griff Thomas is the MD for heatly, an app currently in development that will provide a one-stop solution for the survey, design, installation, and commissioning of heat pump systems. He is also the MD for GTEC, the UK’s leading renewables training provider, delivering courses for heat pumps, solar, battery storage, electric vehicle charging and supporting energy efficiency measures at locations throughout the UK.

An expert in his field, Griff has overseen the development of most of the national renewable technology standards, as well as spearheading a number of government-backed industry initiatives, such as the Renewable Heat Installer Training & Support Scheme (RHITSS). Griff also undertakes renewable technology site visits for a number of governmental and non-governmental schemes.