Ask the Expert - Sustainability Skills

Do we have the skills to create a sustainable future? What needs to be done to ensure the workforce is ready for the challenge of a sustainable future?

Pitch your questions about sustainability skills to our expert panel who will be live in EngX on Wednesday 31st January to answer some of your questions. 

You'll need to have an account for EngX and be logged in to post a question. As always, please keep your questions relevant and on-track (see the Community Rules and Guidelines). 

  • Post your questions until Wednesday 31 January after which, our experts will reply with their answers.
  • Not all questions may be answered since time is limited. 
  • Our experts cannot offer advice, but they can share their experience and point you to other resources to help you further.
  • Upvote other people's questions to boost the chances of them being answered. You can also reply to other people's questions as well. 

Meet our Experts

Jayne Black

Jayne Black is Policy Manager for Digital Futures at the IET and a member of the Policy and Insights team. For 15 years Jayne has worked in a range of policy roles across membership organisations. As part of this, she has been involved in developing and launching the Digital Skills and International Sustainability Skills Surveys at the IET, which have underpinned the organisation's call for increased government support for upskilling and reskilling in new technologies and reforms to the apprenticeship levy. 

Alice Myles 

Alice Myles is the Strategic Market Manager for Sustainability and Climate Change at the IET. As part of the team working to develop the IET’s first international green skills survey, she led on the creation of the report which we launched at COP28, with a series of events to discuss the findings with representatives from industry, academia and young engineers. She is responsible for research and identification of opportunities for the IET to lead on sustainability topics within the engineering community.
