Is Net Zero enough?

Is Net Zero enough, or should we be aiming for a more ambitious target to not only achieve a neutral effect but start by trying to implement changes that will try to reverse some of the environmental impacts we are experiencing?

  • I think that we should always be more ambitious. As we all well know - not all plans will bear out, so contingencies should be put in place.

    In the IPCC model pathways, they say we need to further and that negative emissions will have to contribute in order to limit global warming to 1.5 deg C. 

  • I think that we should always be more ambitious. As we all well know - not all plans will bear out, so contingencies should be put in place.

    In the IPCC model pathways, they say we need to further and that negative emissions will have to contribute in order to limit global warming to 1.5 deg C. 

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