Women are 50 per cent more likely to change jobs by the end of the decade, the study found after analysing the impact of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) tools on the US workforce. 

The report, published by the McKinsey Global Institute, found that around a third of the country’s working hours could be automated by 2030. The shift is expected to mostly affect people in low-wage positions and workers in food services, customer services and sales, of which women make up a majority. 

Black and Hispanic workers, workers without college degrees, and the youngest and oldest workers also are more likely to have to find new jobs by 2030, the study says.

“Workers in lower-wage jobs are up to 14 times more likely to need to change occupations than those in highest-wage positions, and most will need additional skills to do so successfully,” McKinsey said. “Women are heavily represented in office support and customer service, which could shrink by about...