For the first time, the government has published a report on the capabilities and risks that AI poses to the UK’s society and economy.

The report draws on various sources – including intelligence assessments – to evaluate the current state of “frontier AI” capabilities and how these might improve in the future, as well as the risks they present, including societal harms, misuse and loss of control.

“I genuinely believe that technologies like AI will bring a transformation as far-reaching as the Industrial Revolution, the coming of electricity or the birth of the internet,” Sunak said at the Royal Society.

But “it also brings new dangers and new fears. So the responsible thing for me to do is to address those fears head on giving you the peace of mind that we will keep you safe while making sure you and your children have all the opportunities for a better future that AI can bring.”

The paper will serve as a point of discussion at an AI safety summit in...