With AI increasingly set to permeate all areas of our lives, a soon-to-be-published book focuses on how to make AI more human-centred in a range of sectors and industries.

We are constantly bombarded with news about how AI is going to transform our lives. Technology companies are making huge strides in developing technology-driven AI, and it gives the impression that, as humans, we have to give way to this technology and adapt our lives to fit with it. However, global experts warn AI should instead fit with what humans need.

In a new book – Human-Centered AI: A multidisciplinary perspective for policy-makers, auditors, and users – 50 experts from a variety of backgrounds, sectors, disciplines and countries contribute to an exploration of human-centred AI. It looks at why and how AI should be developed and deployed in a human-centred future.

One of the experts featured in the book – Professor Shannon Vallor, the Baillie Gifford chair in the ethics of data and AI at the Edinburgh Futures...