A nationwide study by Horizon Aircraft, a Canadian-based company specialising in hybrid electric Vertical Take-off and Landing (eVTOL) aerial vehicles found that 73 per cent of Canadians support the development of the air taxi and eVTOL industry.

Nearly four out of five (78 per cent) would be happy to fly in them once they are commercially operational. Just 7 per cent said they would never use an eVTOL, while 15 per cent are currently undecided. A major reason driving support for the industry is the potential to create jobs and boost the Canadian economy, whilst also helping cut greenhouse gas emissions by reducing traffic congestion.

Industry data shows the global air taxi and urban air mobility industry is forecast to see revenues grow from $2.3bn in 2021 to as much as $30.7bn by 2031, with more than 430,000 air taxis operating worldwide.

The research by Horizon, which has developed an innovative hybrid eVTOL that flies most of its mission exactly like...