Shini Somara: Why did you choose geotechnical engineering?

Vanessa Burton: I always loved infrastructure and was good at maths, art and physics. During college summer holidays I undertook a work experience, ‘Urban Pioneers: Between the Bridges’, with the Architecture Foundation. It was fantastic and it helped me understand where I wanted to be. I didn’t know much about the civil engineering industry beforehand, especially geotechnical engineering.
SS: Were there many people that looked like you on your engineering course?

VB: Coming from South London to attend University of Surrey was a shock. Nobody on my civil engineering course looked like me; the colloquialisms, humour was all different. By getting involved in various societies and during my course I made some great friends.

I was very fortunate at Surrey University. My lecturers were wonderful. It was such a supportive and encouraging environment. They helped me to step out of my comfort zone.
