Amagami Ham Ham Ya want a little nibble?

Japan’s Yukai Engineering has come up with something else questionable, following on from the ‘popular’ Qoobo, the cushion with a wagging tail.

This cute, kawaii robot has a special ability: to nibble on your finger.

They justify it like this: “Replicating the cute habits of babies, kittens, and puppies, it nibbles on your finger. While you stopped that behaviour in the past – as sharp little teeth can hurt – this adorable robot lets you enjoy the same comfort.”

Comfort? Eh?

With Amagami Ham Ham, you can keep “this sweet, gentle biting sensation nearby at all times”.

Apparently, being gnawed on is a stress reliever, and it’s suggested you use it at work. By hiding Amagami Ham Ham in your desk drawer, you can whap it out when you’ve had a barney with your manager. Just stick your finger in its mouth.

That won’t raise any eyebrows.You probably won’t be invited to work social events anymore, but you’ll be less stressed...