In a new report, the body said that said that melting glaciers alongside rising sea levels raises the prospect of more disruption in the future.

Asia is currently warming faster than the global average. There were 81 weather, climate and water-related disasters in Asia in 2022, of which 83 per cent were flood and storm events.

These disasters caused the deaths of more than 5,000 people, affected the lives of a further 50 million people and caused more than $36bn (£28bn) in economic damages.

“In 2022, many areas in Asia experienced drier-than-normal conditions and drought. China, in particular, suffered prolonged drought conditions, which affected water availability and the power supply. The estimated economic losses from the drought affecting many regions in China were over $7.6bn. Pakistan, by contrast, suffered disastrous flooding,” said WMO secretary-general Professor Petteri Taalas.

“Most glaciers in the High Mountain Asia region suffered from intense...