Mission 2025, a coalition of global economy leaders, is urging governments to produce ambitious climate plans. It aims to rebut the view that moving faster to tackle the climate crisis is “too difficult, too unpopular or too expensive”.

For many years, scientists have stressed that preventing global warming from exceeding 1.5°C is not an aspirational target but a scientific imperative.

The upper threshold of the Paris Agreement is 2°C: any higher and the UN has warned that it would have a catastrophic impact around the world.

In December 2023, global governments agreed at COP28 to transition away from fossil fuels, but there have been signs that countries are slowing or even rolling back on climate action.

The UN stipulates that governments are required to submit new national climate plans every five years for the decade ahead. The next round of these nationally determined contributions (NDCs) must be submitted by February 2025, ahead of the COP30 climate summit taking place in Brazil in...