Vijay Madlani, CEO of Katrick Technologies, a Glasgow-based green energy start-up, scrutinises the different party manifestos ahead of the general election and argues that, while they contain promising climate policies, there is still room for improvement.

The UK has a historical responsibility to lead the charge against climate change. Thanks to the rapid scale-up of offshore and onshore wind farms combined with emerging ground-level wind energy technology, the UK could easily become a world leader in renewable installations.

With these resources at hand, achieving net zero within the next decade is still within reach and should be the priority of the UK’s next government. Against this backdrop, it is disappointing that none of the UK political parties are pledging to decarbonise before 2040 ahead of the next general election.

Net zero by 2030 is no longer party policy

Less than five years ago, vast swathes of the electorate demanded a 2030 net zero target. The Green Party went as far...