This month's issue looks into how technology is improving or replicating the human senses. Is engineering any closer to a $6m man - or $6bn post-human? What can animals sense that we can't but technology might?

But this is also a welcome to my last issue of E&T magazine. A lot has changed since I joined IEE Review, as it was then, over 20 years ago. And some things haven’t changed much at all.                                   

Our first issue of E&T, combining a suite of bimonthlies into a fortnightly magazine, was in 2008. Issues we were covering then just never seem to go away, even if they’ve evolved. Letters about the status of engineers still fill our mailbag. The industry’s skills shortages haven’t got much better and, if anything, have got worse.

First issue of E&T

First issue of E&T in 2008

  • I was disappointed with the article about touch. Plenty of us here and IET members working in haptics and haptics for rehab and surgical simulation.. yet the IET didn't reach out to us. Would have had more impact than soundbites from companies!

  • I was disappointed with the article about touch. Plenty of us here and IET members working in haptics and haptics for rehab and surgical simulation.. yet the IET didn't reach out to us. Would have had more impact than soundbites from companies!

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