The study, which was carried out by the Wuppertal Institut and T3 Transportation Think Tank on behalf of the environmental charity, looked at the investments in road and rail infrastructure by the 27 EU countries, as well as Norway, Switzerland and the UK.

It found that European countries have spent approximately €1.5tn (£1.3tn) on road infrastructure and only €930bn on rail in the last three decades.

“Millions of people outside cities have no option but to own a car to get to work, take kids to school or access basic services, living in areas with little or no public transport,” said Lorelei Limousin, Greenpeace EU senior climate campaigner.

“This is a direct result of governments dismantling local and regional rail networks while pouring money into roads. Climate pollution from transport is through the roof, and we’ve seen people around Europe and across the world suffer the consequences.

“Governments and the EU must hit the brakes on this dismantling...