A new study by World Weather Attribution (WWA) has found that the total rainfall experienced during autumn and winter 2023/24 was made 10 times more likely and was 20% wetter due to human-induced climate change.

This past winter, it felt as if we were experiencing relentless rainfall and stormy weather. Roads were regularly flooded, houses were damaged and farmers’ fields lay underwater for much of the season.

According to the British Red Cross, storms and flooding caused weather-related home insurance claims in the UK to rise by more than a third, reaching a record-breaking £573m worth of claims.

Data now shows that October 2023 to March 2024 was indeed the second-wettest October-March period on record for the UK since records began in 1836, and the third-wettest for Ireland, with records going back to 1941.

Climate scientists from the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany working as part of the WWA group, including scientists from each of the national meteorological services...