In its latest report, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has blamed the delays incurred in the building of the London Euston HS2 station on government indecision. 

"Despite spending over eight years on planning and designing the HS2 Euston station, the department still does not know what it is trying to achieve with the station," the MPs said.

HS2 was given the go ahead in 2020 despite a decade of sharply rising costs and repeated delays to the original project timeframe. However, earlier this year, work at the line's Euston station was paused due to inflationary pressures coupled with the UK’s struggling finances.

The DfT said it remained "committed to delivering HS2 in the most cost-effective way".

Protests against HS2 at Euston station in September 2021

Protests against HS2 at Euston station in September 2021/ Dreamstime
