The $1bn Nato Innovation Fund has directly invested in four European tech companies to help strengthen the defence, security and resilience of Allied governments.

The Nato Innovation Fund was founded two years ago to finance deep tech start-ups in defence, security and resilience of Allied governments. The fund is backed by 24 of Nato’s 32 member states.

“Enabling capital and support for strategic technologies is key to securing a safe and prosperous future for the Alliance’s one billion citizens,” said Andrea Traversone, managing partner of the Nato Innovation Fund.

The fund has now revealed the four start-ups in Europe and the UK that have been allocated funding. They include:

ARX Robotics: German defence tech start-up developing autonomous unmanned ground systems with scalable hardware components and software architectures.Fractile: London-based AI company developing computing technology to enhance collective AI capabilities with the aim of making large language models run faster.iCOMAT...