Google has put its AI tool on pause due to inaccuracies in images it was producing, with a relaunch due in the coming weeks.

Generative AI has received its fair share of attention in recent times. It can create content – such as audio, images, text, simulations and videos – in a matter of seconds without any human input.

Much has been made of the generative AI chatbot ChatGPT, launched by OpenAI in November 2022, and its ability to generate text. Powered by a large language model, ChatGPT generates content that looks as though a human has created it.

The release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT triggered other tech companies to join the fray. For instance, Meta unveiled a new series of AI chatbots for its Messenger service in October 2023 and Amazon announced its new Amazon bot, named Q, in November 2023.

Google also reacted to ChatGPT’s launch and, in March 2023, it launched its chatbot contender Bard. However, Bard was soon shrouded in controversy when the tool shared inaccurate information about...