Losing your job is never easy and most of the time, not a very positive experience at all. People lose their jobs for a variety of reasons but whether it’s because your contract is ending, you’ve been made redundant or you’ve just moved on, it’s never an easy process.

If you do lose your job, most people are in a situation where they need to find a new one, but you may not feel up to the challenge straight away. It’s important to start this by saying that everything should be done at the speed you feel comfortable with. Try not to compare yourself to others and work at your own pace. Life throws all kinds of different things at us and they’re all a learning experience. Afterall, it’s what you make of a situation, so try and turn a bad one into a positive.

Letting go of the disappointment

It can be very disappointing to leave a job that you like or if you simply don’t want to leave for other reasons. Sudden change can leave us feeling vulnerable and unsure of our next steps, but it’s okay...