Women into Science and Engineering (WISE) Campaign, a non-profit organisation focused on gender parity for women in STEM from classroom to boardroom, is now under the ownership of the IET.

It is a well known fact that women only fill a proportionately small percentage of STEM roles in the UK. According to recent government statistics, women make up 29% of the STEM workforce.

Much has been made about how to tackle this gender inequality. While the number of women in STEM occupations has certainly grown over past decades, there’s still a long way to go.

IET and WISE Campaign have each worked on various campaigns and initiatives focused on increasing diversity in the sector and attracting young women to pursue a STEM career. Now, having joined forces, they feel that together they can increase the pace of change.

“We want to hit at least 35% of UK STEM roles filled by women by 2030,” said Dr Laura Norton, IET head of EDI and new WISE Campaign managing director.

“Together we can increase our...