Hydrogen is expected to become more popular in medium- to heavy-duty vehicles; unlike their electric counterparts, the refuelling process represents a similar time commitment and experience to existing petrol and diesel vehicles.

Although the technology is vastly different, hydrogen refuelling stations can operate in a similar way to the status quo, delivering equivalent refuelling times and ranges. There will be a market for smaller passenger vehicles, but heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) and larger passenger vehicles currently offer a greater opportunity for hydrogen.

One project led by ULEMCo, which is receiving a share of the new funding, will develop hydrogen-powered airport ground-based support vehicles, such as tow trucks for aeroplanes and sweepers to clean runways.

This will be based at Teesside International Airport, which will help the airport reach its goal of being net zero by 2030.

Another of the winning projects, led by Element 2, aims to create...