What will our dinner plates look like in 30 years? Consumer attitudes towards food ethics and sustainability could see insect proteins and lab-grown meats becoming the norm. That‘s according to the findings of the Co-op’s Responsible Retailing report with research conducted at the University of York.

What we eat is a contentious issue. Meat and dairy farming contribute to a rise in the potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide, whereas vegan diets have come under fire recently as ‘fake meats’ have been shown to be an ultra-processed food and therefore linked to cardiovascular disease.

The Co-op predicts that, in the next 30 years, diets will have a greater balance of protein, carbohydrate and fibre and more pulses or seeds, with the diversity of protein options increasing with both high-quality meat and lab-produced meat replacements.

The Responsible Retailing report series began in 1994. In those 30 years, the report has explored the views of almost 70,000 people on transparency in food production...

  • This article is missing a number of factors that cause the general population to change its eating habits.

    The major one is cost of food. If the price of steak is too high then the population goes to lower grade cuts of beef or they reduce the amount consumed.

    The types and amount of food consumed is age related. Food that can be consumed by teenagers may not be suitable for seniors due to health concerns or drugs being used (example grapefruit).

    I personally view recommendations about food as belonging to "voodoo" science after seeing so many expert articles on the subject over the years (example eat margarine in place of butter, then retracing that position back to butter).

    How about a nice hedgehog baked in clay for lunch?

    Peter Brooks

    Palm Bay  

  • This article is missing a number of factors that cause the general population to change its eating habits.

    The major one is cost of food. If the price of steak is too high then the population goes to lower grade cuts of beef or they reduce the amount consumed.

    The types and amount of food consumed is age related. Food that can be consumed by teenagers may not be suitable for seniors due to health concerns or drugs being used (example grapefruit).

    I personally view recommendations about food as belonging to "voodoo" science after seeing so many expert articles on the subject over the years (example eat margarine in place of butter, then retracing that position back to butter).

    How about a nice hedgehog baked in clay for lunch?

    Peter Brooks

    Palm Bay  

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