A major UK methane leak has been mitigated after being spotted from space. The leak occurred over three months at a gas main operated by Wales and West Utilities. It was found by researchers from the University of Leeds in September 2022 using data from satellites.

The team was studying the ability of sensors mounted on telecommunication towers to measure greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, when they identified an unusually large source of methane emissions near a landfill site close to Cheltenham. 

The team alerted researchers from Royal Holloway, University of London, who visited the site and confirmed the leak. The site was releasing methane at a rate of over 200kg/hr.

After the leak was confirmed, researchers alerted the pipe owner, who took immediate action to mitigate it. The repair works were completed by June 2023, after which time GHGSat satellites recorded no further emissions.

The leak lasted an estimated 11 weeks, and produced methane emissions...