One invention and JFK’s Moon speech paved the way for an inspiring career.

The Super Soaker water gun wasn’t Dr Lonnie Johnson’s first invention, but it was the one that made him famous. Prior to his breakthrough invention, his parents and school had supported his interests in inventing and investigating - and Johnson has never forgotten that this support is a privilege that not every child has. It explains why his passion is split between developing both new technology and young engineers. Johnson’s business activities are based around a team, and at the forefront of that team is his wife, Linda Moore, who is executive director of JSAC – the Johnson STEM Activity Center, based in Atlanta, Georgia. Tim Fryer spoke to both of them at the 3DExperience World event in early 2024.

On his individual website there is a list of the 132 patents that Johnson has filed, mostly dating back towards the end of the last century. There are many that are more recent and the latest is only two years old...