Carried out by Survation on behalf of RenewableUK, the poll found that nearly two-thirds of people (64 per cent) support the development of new infrastructure, while only 5 per cent oppose it. Support was found to be even higher among those who voted Conservative in the last general election, with 71 per cent in favour and 6 per cent opposed.

Last week Nick Winser, the former boss of the National Grid, warned that if the UK did not improve its electricity transmission system it risks being unable to take full advantage of new wind and nuclear power facilities.

This was something that was reflected in the poll, with 51 per cent of people agreeing that the lack of new grid infrastructure was the biggest barrier to making the most of new renewable energy sources.

The polling also showed that 61 per cent of people would be more in favour of having an electricity powerline installed within five miles of their home if their local community was offered money...