As the world advances to a low-carbon future, industrial businesses should be looking to significantly reduce their carbon footprint. As Erich Labuda, ABB’s president of motion services, writes, one answer lies in proactively servicing motor-driven systems.

Electric motor-driven systems serve as a critical part of global industry, powering everything from manufacturing and transportation to vital infrastructure. Collectively, industrial businesses around the world run on more than 300 million of them. Nevertheless, many of these systems are not operating at peak efficiency, and this is having a huge impact on both business and the planet.

If all these motor-driven systems were optimised, global electricity usage could be reduced by up to 10%, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). That would not only have a vast effect on reducing carbon emissions but would also result in substantial long-term cost savings for businesses.

With that goal in mind, these same businesses should...