Space heating and cooling accounts for about 13 per cent of global energy use and about 11 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions.

The new paints, developed by Stanford University scientists, reduced the energy used for heating by about 36 per cent and for cooling by almost 21 per cent.

In simulations of a typical mid-rise apartment building in different climate zones across the US, the use of the new paint on exterior walls and roofs meant total heating, ventilation and air conditioning energy use declined 7.4 per cent over the course of a year.

“Energy and emissions from heating are forecast to continue to fall due to energy efficiency gains, but air conditioning use is rising, especially in developing economies in a warming world,” said Yi Cui, the study’s senior author. “For both heating and air conditioning, we must reduce energy and emissions globally to meet our zero-emissions goals.”

He added: “How to reduce heat exchange between human living and...