The Mission Zero Coalition has published its latest report outlining what the incoming government must do to ensure the UK stays on track to achieve net zero.

On 27 June 2019, the UK became the first G7 country to make the commitment of signing net zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 into law.

On the fifth anniversary of this legislative commitment, the Mission Zero Coalition has launched its latest report At a crossroads: pathways to a net zero future.

The Mission Zero Coalition was launched in March 2023 to build momentum from the Mission zero report written by former Conservative MP Chris Skidmore, who, as energy minister at the time, took the UK’s net zero legislation through parliament. He resigned from parliament earlier this year over the government’s Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill.

The report was launched at an event in London yesterday by Skidmore and report co-author Dan McGrail, chief executive of the UK renewable energy trade association RenewableUK.

The report not only...