Anyone who’s noted the increased numbers of dog walkers in their neighbourhood will know that the Covid-19 crisis unleashed a pet ownership boom. Millions acquired four-footed companions to help them through the stresses of home isolation.

The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals found that 36% of all current UK owners of dogs, cats and rabbits acquired their pets after March 2020, indicating that 4.1 million dogs and 3.7 million cats have been homed since the onset of the pandemic. 

Pet population rises synced with other digital dependencies heightened by lockdown. Our use of connected technology helped to manage routine but essential aspects of daily life, from grocery delivery to virtual medical check-ups. And as more pet food was added to online shopping baskets, it became clear that a new generation of pet parents looked to tech for care and support for new furry family members.

The burgeoning pet tech market has, in turn, fuelled the need to leverage...