The Xlinks Morocco-UK Power Project is a proposal to create 10.5GW of renewable generation, 20GWh of battery storage and a 3.6GW high-voltage direct current interconnector to carry solar- and wind-generated electricity from Morocco to the UK.

As Morocco has far more consistent weather, it should provide consistent solar power to the UK, even in midwinter. The solar panels are expected to produce three times more energy than they would in the UK.

Coutinho has confirmed that the proposal has been given the ‘Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project’ status, which means it can bypass normal local planning requirements in a bid to get it built faster.

The designation is typically given to upcoming power plants, large renewable energy projects, new airports and major road projects.

Xlinks will carry out a further round of consultation on its plans before applying for a Development Consent Order next year.

Xlinks now needs to carry out further consultation...