More UK homes than ever are turning to low-carbon technology, with the country on track to install certified renewable technologies in nearly a quarter of a million homes, according to a report by MCS, the official standards body for renewable technologies. 

The body has found that, in the first half of 2023, more than 120,000 certified installations of heat pumpssolar panels and other renewable technologies occurred – a 62 per cent increase from the same period last year.

This year is also the first to average more than 20,000 solar panel installations and over 3,000 heat pump installations per month.

When looking at battery technology installations, each month has been breaking the previous month’s record, bringing the total number of batteries installed in homes and businesses across the UK to more than 1,000 in 2023 so far. At current rates, nearly 250,000 households could have renewable energy installed by the end of the year.

The previous record...