England Lioness and Women’s Euro 2022 winner Beth England, of Tottenham Hotspur, has unveiled the first official Moon United kit, designed by two talented schoolgirls. 

Erim Ali, 13, and Ishaani Nair, 7, were the winners of the competition hosted by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), which asked school children aged 4 to 13 to design home and away kits for the lunar footballers of the future.

The challenge was posed following a campaign in which engineers predicted humans could be playing a competitive game of football on the moon as early as 2035. The competition aimed to challenge outdated perceptions of engineering and showing children how they could combine a passion for football and space with a STEM-related career.

Being chosen from over 500 entries, Erim and Ishaani have now had their design dreams made a reality.

Their winning designs were brought to life and presented to them by Beth England and British engineer and aerodynamicist...